Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Some say that time marches. If it marched I'm sure I could keep
pace. I believe it dashes, darts, and races with me just barely hanging on. Some say that time flies. Now that I can agree with.

I celebrated another birthday yesterday. How did I get to be this old already? I demand a recount. Time is definitely my enemy. Not just because it gives me sagging jowls and grays my hair, but because it robs me of the many things I want to do and don't seem to have time for.

Maybe I want to do too
much, maybe I have no direction or maybe I'm just slow, or is it all of the above? I find it very unsettling. Does anyone else share these feelings or am I alone in my mid-life frustrations?

Birthday Candle Photo by juliaklarman

1 comment:

  1. Some people
    no matter how old they get,
    never lose their beauty -
    they merely move it from their
    faces into their hearts.
    - Martin Buxbaum
